
Snaps Shots Blog

To get the tool screenshoot you can get it in different sites on the internet is not difficult to get or click here. Please follow the following steps:

1. Please visit this site http://www.snap.com/
2. If already posted on the site, click the Get Started
3. Select the desired color under COLOR Choose a theme, just click the color that is available
4. Select Snap shot icon and trigger under Choose a SNAP SHOT AND Trigger, just click on the radio button that is
5. When the buddy you want to install your own logo, click the Browse button and select ...., icon images available on computer buddy, if do not want to ignore it
6. Select the size of snap shots under Choose SIZE SNAP Shots, marked on its radio button
7. Click the button for
8. Enter the address on the blog buddy box under Enter Your Site URL.
9. Enter your email address comrade under Enter Your Email
10. Contreng marked on the box next to any posts I agree to the Terms and Conditions below (if want to read, please read the TOS its first)
11. Click the button for
12. When comrade wearing a new template, click on the Blogger logo banner, please sign in to blogger name and select the blog you want in
13. Click the button to add the widgets, then the code will automatically snaps shots of the add
14. Move the element to add in the new place in like, because the code to load the banner from the snapshot
15. Click the Save button
16. Done

If you use a classic template, on the steps to 12, buddy continue click the button again. READ MORE Click on the link located under the heading entitled Put a Snap Shots Badge on your site. Copy the code provided and paste in the notepad. step into the past lives enter the code in you template .

Widget clock

To have your blog appear more beautiful and interesting to see, then you can install some accessories blog, with one of them is how to install hours. This clock can be found here are free, please follow these steps:

1. Please visit http://www.clocklink.com/gallery.php
2. If already on the site, please click on any posts Want a clock on your Website? (located on the right)
3. Please see minutes of the first models are available, namely from Analog, Animal, Animation, etc.
4. If you have found the model was in accordance with the hours tether your heart, click on any posts View HTML tag that is located below the hours you like just now
5. Click the button labeled Accept
6. Select the appropriate time with you in addition to any posts TimeZone. Example: to select the western indonesia GMT +7:00
7. Set the size of the hours you like any posts in addition to size
8. Copy the HTML code provided in the
9. Paste the HTML code in the copy on the menu before the HTML / JavaScript your blog
10. Done